SBB management conference


In January 2017, Harry Heusser was asked to take over the direction of the SBB’s annual management conference with around 1,500 people and to address further development and questioning – the challenge of the existing concept. In close cooperation with the organisational team, Heusser optimised the day and brought in new elements. When the real Olympic torch was cinematically passed on to the company at the end of the event, it created a highly emotional atmosphere in which many a participant had tears of joy in their eyes.
Preparations are already under way for the 2018 conference, which should become even more interactive and effective.


Torch, joy, tears. An emotional conclusion.

With his team in place, Harry Heusser produced a film with the participants, who implemented the SBB claim in a funny way as well as the emotional torch video, which was the dramaturgical climax of the day.

The highlitghts of the day.

Are you planning something unforgettable?

We should talk

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